
Thursday, November 9, 2017

my writing

Last week in Te Ngahere, we were learning to use the correct structure for a persuasive piece of writing. Our goal was to persuade people to reduce, reuse and recycle the amount of rubbish and plastic they use by describing what happens. That is mine down below.


WALT Use descriptive language.

My Descriptive Writing

Save The Animals!

‘Save the animals from what?’ you ask? Well, from humans! Our litter is most responsible for many marine, birds and surface animal’s deaths. I will be telling you some common rubbish that kill, what could happen and how to prevent it.

Fishing lines and hooks

What can happen: Birds frequently get their beaks wrapped or wings tangled up in discarded fishing line. Hooks can be swallowed or become attached to birds’ skin or beaks.
How you can help: Be aware of what is around you. If you spot fishing litter, pick it up and dispose of it.
Beer and Soda Cans
What can happen: Even the tiniest animals can become a victim to litter. Soda cans are tempting to small animals who are looking for food or shade. A little skink got stuck in one once. Luckily for the skink, it was freed during a beach clean-up. Animals can also be cut by the can’s sharp edges.
How you can help: Dispose of your cans. Rinse and crush cans before tossing them into the recycling bin. You can also fold the tab back to block off the hole on the top.
What can happen: Animals usually step in gum, which can become stuck or tangled in their fur or feathers, making it difficult for them to move.
How you can help: Never spit gum onto the ground. Wrap it up in the wrapper and put it in a bin.
Tin Cans, Cups or Jars
What can happen: Hungry animals that want just a few crumbs often get their heads stuck in discarded cans, cups, and jars.
How you can help: Rinse out containers and crush metal cans before dumping of them. Remember to put the lids back on them.
I hope you enjoy reading this and follow the advice given.

The End

Thursday, November 2, 2017

My Mihi Reminder

This week in Te Ngahere, we made a visual mihi to help us remember our morning mihi. We had to choose carefully because we had to have a reason why we choose them. On the second slide, I thought an image of the clouds and sky would make sense because it say who ever in the sky and in the heavens. Anyway, here is my google slide to help me with my learning. Enjoy!  

Friday, October 27, 2017

Term 4 Writing Goals

Last week in Te Ngahere, we were learning to identify our next learning goals in writing. For a start, we had to choose at least 3 writing goals, we need to learn or to get better at. After that, we made a google drawing to paste our learning intentions on. This one is mine down below.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Term 4 Maths Goals

Last week in Te Ngahere, we were learning to Identify what we have achieved in maths and our next learning steps. Firstly, we had to identify our next learning steps. Then, we had to display three of our maths learning goals on a google drawing to print out. I choose my goals because I didn’t get them and I wanted to learn more about them.  Here is my math’s google drawing :

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Reading Reflection

A few weeks ago in the green reading group,  we read a book called The Bullet. We were learning to use a range of strategies to answer comprehension questions. We had to look at the pictures and make a prediction. Before we started to read it, we had to skim and scan for words we don’t know.  Here is my presentation. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

My Informational Report

3 weeks ago in Te Ngahere, we were learning to write an informational report about our chosen country that was not ours. I choose the United States of America. We had to choose 3-4 sub topics about something in the U.S like a native animal or their traditions and rituals. Just to make it easier to find exactly what you want to know about Americans, I have used a table of contents. That’s my writing link down below.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

What's The Difference Between A Proper Noun And A Common Noun

Last week in Te Ngahere, we were learning to know common and proper nouns. We had to make a google drawing to show our audience the difference between a proper noun and a common noun. The difference is that a common noun is not really telling the audience precisely where you went when the proper noun tells you where exactly where you went. That’s mine down below. They are my examples of using proper nouns and common nouns.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

My Maori Quiz :)

2 weeks ago, Te Ngahere made Te Reo Maori Quizzes.We were learning to ask and answer questions about classroom items.  We had to go on a presentation and choose at least three items for our quiz. If you have already played mine, you could see that the items that I choose were a pen, scissors, stapler and a book. When you choose correctly, we had to link it to a slide that said Ae! Kapae! (Yes Good) but if you got it wrong, you would get sent to a slide that would say Kahore. Kia kaha! (No. Be strong, keep going). I hope you will enjoy my Maori Quiz down below and don’t give up!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Term 3 Reading Goals

Last week in Te Ngahere, we had to identify our next reading goals by going onto the goals sheet and mark which ones we have learnt and need to learn. My group is green and we had to be buddy with aqua so it wouldn’t take too long for the teachers to identify which ones we needed to learn. We could only have 3 goals so we had to pick carefully. They were highlighted on our learning goal sheet. These are my learning goals.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Term 3 Writing Goals

Last Week in Te Ngahere, we were learning to identify our new learning goals in writing. We had to present our writing goals on a google drawing and all the goals that we didn’t accomplish from last term. One of the mistakes I had was I kept forgetting to put my name on my work to know if it’s mine or not. That’s is mine down below.

Term 3 Maths Goals

Last week in Te Ngahere, we had to choose 3 maths goals from our IKAN sheets that we had marked to learn or visited and copy and paste them onto our maths google drawing. But that’s not all, we had to look on our sheet and write down the stage and example. We were learning to identify what we achieved in maths and our next steps in learning. After we finished writing down our maths learning goals and and written down the examples, the teachers would check them, print them and then hang them up on the wall so we will never lose them.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Maramaku Sports Day! :)

Last Friday, myself and other students had the chance and choice of going to Maromaku to participate in a rugby and netball tournament. I was one of them, I decided to play rugby because in my opinion, it's better than netball. I was the only girl in the team but it didn't really bother me. We had 4 games ( actually there was 5 games but the fifth game was unnotified ) . Sadly, we lost all of them but at least we tried our hardest and I think that's what matters.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Taronga Zoo

Last School Holidays, My Sister and I went to Australia to visit my dad.  Little did we know that Pania and Dad had a surprise for us, we were going to Taronga Zoo.

Friday, June 23, 2017

My First Powtoon - My Pepeha

We were learning new ways to present our pepeha. I chose powtoon.

Beach Clean Up

I was learning to use the structure I have in my piece of writing, describing the beach clean up. I am proud of myself from sticking a lot of descriptive words into my writing and it still made sense. The structure in my writing is to make it seem like you did it by starting with “Remember” instead of saying “I remember” and summing it up by saying “That was summer”. I enjoyed thinking about how I could make my writing better and think how to improve my descriptive words while still making make sense. If I had the choice of doing all my work with this structure, I would say yes.

Strolling along the sticky, hot footpath looking for rubbish.
A cool, refreshing breeze of wind blowing past and gone in an instant.
Finding little shards of sharp glass hidden inside a bundle of dried-out seaweed.
Looking around for rubbish with your friends, only finding smoke butts and shiny shards of glass.
Finally, wandering back to the comforts of the air conditioner.
That Was Summer

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Chocolate Dog: The Hero

On Thursday, we had to write a narrative about anything and then make an animation about it. My animation was about a chocolate dog help saving a lamb and becoming a hero and the lesson was do good to others and in the future, they will do good to you. My goal was to try and make my animation cooler by making slower movements in each slide and I don’t really think I achieved it because of lack of time. I was learning to use onomatopoeia and ellipsis when I was writing my narrative.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Surf Lifesaving

On Wednesday,  my class and I went down to the beach for surf lifesaving. We learnt the rules to keep safe at the beach and we also learned how to escape a rip and how to recognize one. I really enjoyed surf lifesaving and it was really funny when Mrs Pou got soaked. It was really fun and it was better than an ordinary school day.
IMG_2040 (1).JPG

Friday, March 10, 2017

My Tangelo

Holding my tangelo in my left hand and trying to peel it with my other hand but I tried and tried but I couldn’t, thanks to my stubby nails.
A million years later, I finally peeled my tangelo with the help of a friend. I stared at my tangelo without its skin, it reminded me of a mandarin. I bit into my juicy tangelo as a bit of juice flies at my eye. I didn’t care though, it was too delicious to stop eating it. I kept eating it until it was gone.
I felt like crying because I had eaten all my tangelo. It was that delicious and I was that really that sad.
But thankfully, I got to have another one at lunch.

I was learning to improve my descriptive language and I think I did well. I was told we could do it any kind of structure as long as you add what it tasted like, looked like, feels like, sounds  like and what it smelled like. Next time I think I should try and use better words to describe the tangelo to make it more interesting for the reader

Friday, February 17, 2017

My Remember Writing

I Remember...  
Scrambling over to my sticky seat
Being slowly lifted higher and higher up into the air Things around me were shrinking and becoming smaller by the second
I started to shake and wobble in fear
Then everything stops…
And next thing I know, I go plummeting down faster than lightning
My stomach jumped up into my throat
I tried to scream but the wind came right out of me
Then the ride slams to a stop
That was my summer!